9.25.19 Market comments

Dec corn down 1/2 @ 374 1/4 | Nov beans down 5 @ 889 1/4

Quiet day in the grain markets today with corn trading both sides of unchanged and finishing just below.  The trade is waiting on confirmation of harvest yields, as the bulk of the harvest is still a couple weeks away.  A slightly warmer though wetter US forcast was issued today and the threat of a freeze eased up just a bit. 

With the warmer forcast, beans eased off a bit today, down 5.  Also, aiding in the weaker bean market was a friendlier forcast for South American planting.  Rains should be moving through some of the key areas through the end of next week.  In the trade news, President Trump stated that a deal with China could happen sooner than we think, and the US also signed a partial trade deal with Japan which would include products such as beef, pork, wheat, corn, cheese, wine "and so much more."